Help for Job Seekers

Self Registration

Job seekers must create a personal account (Username and Password) and complete the registration process before using Job Center of Wisconsin to search for jobs, or to create a searchable resume or work application.

This is a one-time process. Use of our systems includes certain responsibilities on your part. Please read all information on this page, then click on the View More link and read that information.

If you agree with what you have read, click on the Accept button to continue with the Logon Creation process.

If you do not agree, or decide not to continue with the Logon Creation process, click on the Decline button.

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Logon Creation

If you already have a User Name and Password that you use to access another State of Wisconsin system*, do not create another Username and Password. You can use the Username and Password you already have.

*Some examples of other State of Wisconsin systems (not an all-inclusive list) are Child Care Provider Information, Child Support Online Services, Employer Online UI Services, New Hire Reporting, and Prevailing Wage Survey.

If you think you may already have a Username and Password that you set up in the past, do not create a duplicate account. Please call (toll-free) 888-258-9966, Monday thru Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm, for more information, or for help in setting-up or recovering your account.

Please enter your information in the fields provided. Fields with a red asterisk * are required and must be completed for you to be able to continue creating a Username and Password.

An email address is not required, but is encouraged. It will assist you in recovering your password if you forget it. You can set up a free E-Mail account by going to, or, or You can also search the Internet for "free email".

If the email address you enter is already in use, the following message will be displayed:

You may already have registered.
Your email address is already on file with an existing user name and password. This means you may have already created a DWD/Wisconsin User Name. Please click on one of the following options:

Clicking on the 'View a list of applications…' link may jog your memory about another Username and Password you already have that you can also use for Job Center of Wisconsin.

When you are done entering your information, click on the Submit button to continue.

If the Username you entered is already in use, the following message will be displayed at the top of the page: The User Name ______________ is not available. Please try another User Name. Scroll down to the Logon Information section and change your Username. You will need to enter and re-enter your Password. Scroll down to the Verification section and enter the number. Click on the Submit button.

If you would like to clear out all of the information you entered, and start again, click on the Reset button.

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DWD/Wisconsin Username Creation Complete

Your Username and Password have been created. You may want to print this page and write your password on it, for future reference. If you do so, be sure to store this information in a safe place.

Click on the Continue button.

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Register For Services / Update

Registering on the Job Center of Wisconsin website allows an individual to access the full range of services available on the site, including job search and resume creation. Registrants may be eligible for training funded by federal or state programs designed to assist a job seeker obtain employment. Job Service staff work directly with registered individuals to identify specific program funded services.

Why the Department of Workforce Development needs the data:

  • Your Social Security Number (SSN) is needed for federal reporting. It will be treated in a secure and confidential manner and will never be shared with employers.
  • Demographic information (age, gender, ethnicity, race, and disability status) collected to help us evaluate our performance, and in some cases to determine if you are eligible for other programs or services.
  • Veteran status is asked to determine if you are eligible for special services, and to evaluate our service delivery. Qualified veterans that register on the Job Center of Wisconsin website are eligible for employment and training assistance. Some training opportunities may only be available to a veteran or a qualifying member of a veteran's family.

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Register for Veterans Services

Registering on the Job Center of Wisconsin website allows an individual to access the full range of services available on the site, including job search and resume creation. Veteran status is asked to determine if you are eligible for special services, and to evaluate our service delivery. Qualified veterans that register on the Job Center of Wisconsin website are eligible for employment and training assistance. Some training opportunities may only be available to a veteran or a qualifying member of a veteran's family

Registering as a veteran also provides you with exclusive access to new jobs posted on Job Center of Wisconsin for the first 24 hours they are available.

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Registration -- Verification

Enter your actual, valid Social Security Number.

If a bold red error message is displayed indicating that there is a problem with your Social Security Number, please try entering your information again, or contact DET Security by calling 1-888-513-5633 during business hours, Monday through Friday.

Enter your actual, valid date of birth.

If a bold red error message is displayed indicating that there is a problem with your Social Security Number, please try entering your information again, or contact DET Security by calling 1-888-513-5633, during business hours, Monday through Friday

Enter your gender as it is on file with the Social Security Administration.

If a bold red error message is displayed indicating that there is a problem with your information (for example, that you have recently changed your last name), please provide your previous last name and try again. To have this problem resolved call DET Security at 1-888-513-5633, during business hours, Monday through Friday.

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Registration -- Contact

Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *.

Review the information displayed, add information and/or update the information.

You must provide your:

  • First Name and Last Name
  • Zip Code
  • Address
  • Phone NUmber and Phone Type
  • Email address

You are encouraged to include:

  • Your Middle Initial
  • The suffix, if you have one
  • An Alternate telephone numbers, if you have one.

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Registration -- Street Address

Review the information displayed and update if necessary.

Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *.

Street Address is the physical house number and street or road name where you live. Provide your Street Address even if your mail is delivered to a Post Office Box.

If your mail is delivered to a Post Office Box or another address, answer 'yes' to the 'Do you want to enter another address where you receive mail?' question. Another screen will appear so you can enter your mailing address.

Your County will be defaulted based on the Zip Code you provided. If it is incorrect, click on the Update County button and select the correct County from the drop-down menu.

Mailing Address is your mailing address is different than your residence address. For example, a Post Office Box, or another person's home.

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Registration -- Demographics

Select your responses to the questions by clicking on the circle in front of your response. For Race, you may check all checkboxes that apply.

Required questions are marked with a red asterisk *.

Select your response from the drop-down menu.

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Registration -- Status

Required questions are marked with a red asterisk *.

Select your responses to the questions from the drop-down menus.

Education Status

  • Am a High School Graduate or Equivalent: You are not attending any school and have graduated high school or hold a GED.
  • Attend High School or Less: You are attending grade school, middle school, or high school (and haven't graduated yet).
  • Attend Alternative High School: You are attending an alternative high school or an alternative course of study approved by the local educational agency.
  • Attending Post High School: You have graduated from high school or its equivalent and are:
    • attending a post-secondary school or program, or
    • between school terms and intend to return to school.
  • Have Dropped Out of School: You are not attending any school and have not graduated from high school or its recognized equivalent.

Education Level

  • Select the highest level of education you have completed.

Employment Status

  • Employed: Currently working full-time or part-time and not filing for Unemployment Insurance benefits.
  • Not Employed: Not working full-time or part-time. May or may not be filing for Unemployment Insurance benefits.
  • Employed – Received Notice of Termination: Currently working, but have received notice that the job will be ending.
  • Employed – Received Notice of Military Separation: Currently serving the military, but have received notice of impending separation.

Unemployment Insurance Status

  • I am filing for unemployment benefits and was mandated to register as part of my application: True for most people who have filed an initial unemployment insurance claim.
  • I am receiving unemployment benefits but was not directed to register: May be true for some people who have filed for unemployment insurance benefits, especially those who expect a recall to their previous employer within 4 weeks.
  • I am receiving unemployment benefits and was instructed to attend a re-employment services orientation: May be true to users who have filed for unemployment insurance benefits and were selected to participate in re-employment services.
  • I am not receiving unemployment
  • I have exhausted my unemployment benefits: Select this option if you had been receiving unemployment insurance payments, but have exhausted the total dollar amount or number of eligibility weeks available to you in the benefit year.

Have you served, or are you currently serving on active duty in the US Military?

Click on the 'Yes' button or the 'No' button to respond to the question. Selecting Yes will open a series of additional questions:

  • Have you attended a Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Workshop within the last 3 years?: The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) consists of comprehensive three-day workshops at selected military installations worldwide. Professionally trained facilitators from the State Employment Services, military family support services, Department of Labor contractors, or VETS staff present the workshops.
  • Have you been discharged or retired?
  • Service duty start date
  • Do you have a VA rated service-connected disability?: Select from not disabled, 20%, 30%, or 50%+ disabled.
  • Campaign veteran
  • Are you currently homeless?
    Campaign veterans, veterans with service-connected disabilities, or those who are currently homeless, may qualify for additional employment-related services through the Office of Veteran Employment Services, contact your local job center for more information.

Are you the spouse of a veteran?

Click on the 'Yes' button or the 'No' button to respond to the question. Selecting Yes will open an information box with additional eligibility criteria. Please read carefully and answer Yes or No.

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Registration -- Profile

Required questions are marked with a red asterisk *.

  • Ethnicity/heritage: Select your response by clicking on the circle in front the appropriate designation.
  • Race: Check one or more checkbox(es) in front of the appropriate designation(s).
  • Limited English reading skills?: Select Yes or No. Selecting Yes will allow you to select your primary language.
  • Limited English speaking skills?: Select Yes or No. Selecting Yes will allow you to select your primary language.
  • Disability: Select Yes or No from the dropdown menu. Selecting Yes will prompt you to select a type of disability from the second dropdown menu.
  • Have you been working as a season farm worker, or a migrant farm or food processing worker in the last twelve months?: Select Yes or No. Selecting Yes will prompt you to respond to additional questions.

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Registration -- Confirmation

Review your information carefully.

Click the checkbox in front of the statement "I Accept Job Center of Wisconsin's Terms and Conditions."

Click Finish Registration to access Job Center of Wisconsin's full website.

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Re-employment Services (RES) Program

Re-employment Services (RES) is a federally mandated program for unemployed workers who are currently receiving unemployment insurance benefits and are required to perform work searches. You will receive a letter (UCB-10125-2) from the Unemployment Insurance Division (UI) if you are required to participate in this program.

After receiving the letter from UI, you must first complete an orientation by selecting Re-Employment Services Orientation and Assessment from the Job Seekers menu. The orientation consists of reading through four pages of information related to the Wisconsin Job Center system and your work search. Once you have completed the orientation, you will be directed back to the re-employment services program screen to take the Re-employment Services Assessment.

To complete the assessment, select the link provided (the link will appear after the orientation has been completed) and answer the 31 questions as instructed on each screen. On Step 7 select the Save Assessment button. Once saved, the assessment cannot be updated. On step 8, you will receive instructions on any further re-employment services requirements. Read the acknowledgement very carefully, as failure to complete additional required steps will affect your continued eligibility for Unemployment Insurance benefits. After reading the acknowledgement, select the "I Understand" box and then select the Finish Assessment button to complete the assessment.

Once completed, you can view or print the orientation and assessment at any time.

If you have been notified that you are required to participate in the Re-employment Services Program and the orientation link does not appear on the screen, contact one of our customer service representatives at 1-888-258-9966.

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Re-employment Services (RES) Orientation

Read the text and then select the Next button to continue through the four (4) steps of the orientation. On Step 4, select the Submit button to complete the orientation.

If you click on any of the links contained within the orientation, you will need to use the back button on your browser to return to the orientation screens.

Once you complete the orientation by clicking the submit button, you will be returned to the Re-Employment Services Program screen to take the assessment. You can view the orientation from that screen at any time by selecting the View button under the Orientation heading.

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Re-employment Services (RES) Assessment

The Re-employment Services Assessment consists of 31 questions. Answer all the questions on each page and select next to save your answers and continue to the next step. On Step 7 select the Save Assessment button. Once saved, the assessment cannot be updated. On step 8, you will receive instructions on any further re-employment services requirements. Read the acknowledgement very carefully, as failure to complete additional required steps will affect your continued eligibility for Unemployment Insurance benefits. After reading the acknowledgement, select the "I Understand" box and then select the Finish Assessment button to complete the assessment.

Once completed, you can view and print your completed assessment at any time by going to the Re-employment Services Program screen. Select the Assessment Number to view your completed assessment or select the Preview/Print button to open a Print Preview screen and print the assessment.

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Online Workshops

The online workshops are available through YouTube.

Access the workshops by clicking 'Online Workshops' in the blue bar at the very top of the JCW Homepage.

To view the workshops, select the title of the workshop you want to view the list of lessons and then select Lesson 1 to start the workshop. Select the Next button to proceed through the lessons. Your progress through the workshops will be saved, so you do not have to view the entire workshop all at once.

After you view the last lesson, you will able to take a skill review. The skill review consists of five questions related to the workshop you just viewed. The skill review is not graded; however, you will be provided with the correct answer to each question.

At the end of skill review or from the Online Workshops Summary screen, you can download materials presented in the workshops. The materials are available as PDF files. If you are unable to view a PDF file with your web browser, you may download/save PDF files to your computer and open them with the free standalone Acrobat Reader available on the DWD Viewers Download Page.

Online workshops may be required for some Re-employment Services participants and are optionally available for all registered users of Job Center of Wisconsin.

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Re-employment Services (RES) In-person Session Scheduling

Re-employment services (RES) participants required to attend an in-person session must attend a session at a local Job Center. Job Centers are located throughout the state.

To find a session, select the Schedule In-person Session button.

If you are scheduled to attend a session, but need to reschedule, select the Reschedule Session Enrollment button. You will then be removed the current session and allowed to enroll in a different session. Rescheduling is only allowed if the original session is not over and you are still within 21 days from the date you completed your RES Assessment.

If you are scheduled to attend a session, but need to cancel the session, select the Cancel Session Enrollment button. You will be then be removed from the current session. If you are required to attend a Re-employment Services session, you must schedule a new appointment. If you believe that you should be waived from attending a RES session, you must contact the Unemployment Insurance Division at 414-438-7713 or 608-232-0824 to see if your work search requirement can be waived. Failure to attend a required RES session will result in a denial of Unemployment Insurance benefits.

If you need assistance with enrolling in a session, contact one of our customer service representatives at 1-888-258-9966.

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Search for upcoming Re-employment Services (RES) Session

Choose to search for an available session by selecting to search by either city or zip code. Then you will see a second dropdown list with a list of either cities or zip codes. Select the arrow in the second dropdown list to view Wisconsin cities and zip codes. Find the your city or zip code by scrolling down the list or by quickly typing the first letters of your city or the first numbers of your zip code to automatically jump to the desired location.

Note: Place a check in the box if you live in a state bordering Wisconsin to bring up a list of states bordering Wisconsin. Select the appropriate state to find your city or zip code.

The distance field defaults to 30 miles. If you cannot find an available session within 30 miles, expand your search to within 60 miles.

If you are traveling to another part of Wisconsin and would prefer to attend a session at that location, you do have the option of searching for a session outside your area by selecting All in the distance field.

Select the Search button to find available sessions.

Choose a session to attend by selecting Enroll on the right side of the table. After selecting Enroll, you will be asked to verify the session you want to enroll in by selecting the Yes button. After selecting Yes, you will see a confirmation page that provides information on the session you selected along with information on what you need to bring to the session. Select the Print button to print the confirmation. You will also be sent an email with the confirmation information.

If you need assistance searching for or enrolling in a session, please contact one of our customer service representatives at 1-888-258-9966.

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Search for Jobs

Scroll down to learn the differences between the four search types – Keyword Search, Advanced Search, Map Search and Skills Match.

Keyword Search

For help with using Keywords or phrases, click on the More Information link near the Keywords field.

Search by Occupation Category when you want to see a group of similar jobs. To remove an Occupation Category, choose the blank line at the top of the list.

Select the County or counties from the drop-down list where you want to work.

  • To look at jobs statewide, do not choose any counties.
  • Select multiple counties by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard while clicking on the county names.
  • To remove a county, choose the blank line at the top of the list.

To view only jobs posted within a recent number of days, choose the number of days from the Listed Within drop-down list. To remove a choice, choose the blank line at the top of the list.

After selecting your job search criteria, click on the Search Jobs button.

The following fields will be searched for matching Keywords on job postings with Source: Job Center of Wisconsin:

  • Job Posting Number
  • Job Title
  • Job Description
  • Company Name
  • Experience and Qualifications
  • Education and Training
  • Professional Licenses/Certifications

The following fields will be searched for matching keywords on job postings with other Sources, such as US.Jobs and America's Job Exchange:

  • Job Title
  • Job Description
  • Company Name


  • To see a variety of jobs within an Occupation Category, search using the Occupation Category, but no Keyword.
  • If you want to see specific types of jobs in all categories, search using Keywords, but no Occupation Category. Use a variety of search combinations to see what works best for you.
  • To view all jobs in a county, select a county only. Do not enter a Keyword and do not choose an Occupation Category.

Not satisfied with your search results?

  • If too many jobs were returned:
    • Use a more-descriptive or narrowly-focused Keyword or phrase.
    • Limit your search to just one or two counties.
    • Use the options on the Advanced Search tab to narrow your search by Source (Job Board), Education and Training, Work Week, Shift, or NCRC.
  • If too few or no jobs were returned:
    • Use a less restrictive Keyword or phrase.
    • Use fewer search criteria.
    • Use a Keyword or an Occupation Category, but not both.
    • Do not use the Listed Within option.
    • Use the Advanced Search tab to add more Sources (Job Boards).

Advanced Search

All of the Keyword search options are available in the Advanced Search, along with some additional search criteria. For help with using Keywords or phrases, click on the More Information link near the Keywords field.

Search by Occupation Category when you want to see a group of similar jobs. To remove an Occupation Category, choose the blank line at the top of the list.

Select the County or counties from the drop-down list where you want to work.

  • To look at jobs statewide, do not choose any counties.
  • Select multiple counties by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard while clicking on the county names.
  • To remove a county, choose the blank line at the top of the list.

Using Other Search Criteria

  • To only view jobs posted within a recent number of days, choose the number of days from the Listed Within drop-down list. To remove a choice, choose the blank line at the top of the list.
  • To only view full-time, part-time, temporary, or on call jobs, choose an item from the Work Week drop-down list. To remove a choice, choose the blank line at the top of the list.
  • To only view jobs requiring a certain level of education or training, choose an item from the Education and Training drop-down list. To remove a choice, choose the blank line at the top of the list.
  • To only view jobs for a certain shift, choose an item from the Shift drop-down list. To remove a choice, choose the blank line at the top of the list.
  • To only view jobs requiring an NCRC certification, choose an item from the NCRC drop-down list. To remove a choice, choose the blank line at the top of the list.

After selecting your job search criteria, click on the Search Jobs button.

Sources (Job Boards)

The choice of Sources (Job Boards) is provided to offer maximum flexibility in your job search. Job postings come from three sources:

  • Job Center of Wisconsin: These jobs are reviewed and approved by Wisconsin Job Service staff. They should be non-duplicative and represent only verified employers and valid job postings.
  • Partners: These jobs are not reviewed. The quality of job postings is slightly lower and there may be some duplication or incomplete information. Wisconsin Job Service has strong relationships with these sources that ensure some measure of quality on the job postings.
  • Other Sources: These jobs are not reviewed. Job seekers should use caution in the application process. There will likely be duplication and incomplete information on these job postings. Wisconsin Job Service cannot guarantee wages, accuracy of the information, nor validity of the employer or the job posting.

The default is Job Center of Wisconsin and Partners job postings. You may check or uncheck the box next to the Source to include or exclude jobs from that source.

Many of the Partner and Other Sources jobs do not include information about Shift, Work Week, Education and Training, or NCRC in their job postings. Job postings from Partners and Other Sources will not be included in your Job Search Results if you include any of those filters during your search. To view all available job postings, make sure your job search does not include any of these filters. Also, many of these jobs may contain duplicative or incomplete information.

The following fields will be searched for matching Keywords on Job Postings with Source: Job Center of Wisconsin:

  • Job Posting Number
  • Job Title
  • Job Description
  • Company Name
  • Experience and Qualifications
  • Education and Training
  • Professional Licenses/Certifications

The following fields will be searched for matching keywords on Job Postings with other Sources, such as US.Jobs, America's Job Exchange, Monster and CareerBuilder:

  • Job Title
  • Job Description
  • Company Name


  • To see a variety of jobs within an Occupation Category, search using the Occupation Category, but no Keyword.
  • If you want to see specific types of jobs in all categories, search using a Keyword or phrase, but no Occupation Category.
  • To view all jobs in a county, select a county only. Do not enter a Keyword and do not choose an Occupation Category.
  • Try a variety of search combinations to see what works best for you.
  • If you do not like viewing job postings from Partners and Other Sources, check only the Job Center of Wisconsin checkbox.

Not satisfied with your search results?

  • If too many jobs were returned:
    • Use a more descriptive or narrowly focused Keyword or phrase.
    • Use a Keyword and an Occupation Category.
    • Limit your search to just one or two counties.
    • Narrow your search by using one or more of the Education and Training, Work Week, Shift, and NCRC search options.
    • Limit the number of Sources (Job Boards).
  • If too few or no jobs were returned:
    • Use a less restrictive Keyword or phrase.
    • Use a Keyword or an Occupation Category, but not both.
    • Use fewer search options.
    • Do not use the Listed Within option.
    • Increase the number of Sources (Job Boards).

Map Search

Click on an area of the map or on a link for the geographic area where you would like to search for jobs.

Map Search - Select a County

Select a county by clicking on it on the map, or by clicking on the county name link.

Map Search - Selected County

The list of Occupational Categories (groupings of similar jobs) will be displayed, along with the number of jobs in each Occupational Category for the county or counties you selected.

  1. To view job listings for specific job titles within an Occupational Category:
    • Click on the Occupational Category link.
    • On the Selected Occupational Category page, click on the Occupational Category link to drill down further, or click on the number link in the View Jobs column.
  2. To view job listings for an Occupational Category, click on the number link in the View Jobs column.

Map Search - Selected Occupational Category

Specific job titles within the selected Occupational Category are displayed.

  • Click on the Occupational Category link to drill down further and see sub-categories.
  • Click on the number link in the View Jobs column to view matching jobs.

Map Search - Selected Occupational Sub-categories

Specific job titles within the selected Occupational Category are displayed.

  • Click on the Occupational Category link to drill down further and see sub-categories.
  • Click on the number link in the View Jobs column to view matching jobs.

Skills Match

This search feature returns results directly matching the information on one or more of your saved Job Center of Wisconsin resumes.

This feature is only accessible once you have finished a resume and made it searchable by employers by selecting Yes to the question "Do you want employers to match you to their jobs?" in the Finish/Activate step of the resume building tool.

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Job Search Results

The information on the Job Search Results page is displayed in columns. The columns can be sorted by clicking on the column header - Title, Company, or Date Posted. 'Date Posted' is the date the company posted the job on Job Center of Wisconsin or with one of our partner job boards.

The job openings are listed by relevance, meaning jobs most-closely matching your search criteria are listed first.

The number of jobs (Job Postings) returned during a Job Search, and the number of job openings, are displayed. A Job Posting may have more than one opening.

View jobs posted within a recent number of days by making a selection from the 'Listed Within' drop-down menu.

View all jobs by job title in alphabetical order by clicking on the 'Title' column header.

View all jobs in the same city by clicking on the 'Location' column header. You may see cities listed that are not part of the geographical area you used in your search criteria. The reason is that the job has multiple openings in multiple locations, or is a work-from-home situation, or is a position that travels (for example, a cable installer or school photographer). When you click on the link to the job, more details about the situation are available.

View the most recently posted jobs by clicking on the 'Date Posted' column header, or the 'Sort by Date Posted' link.

View a job by clicking on the job title link for the job you want to view.

Search again, using different search criteria, by clicking on the 'New Search' link.

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My Favorite Job Searches

The My Favorite Job Search function saves your search criteria, not your search results. A Saved Search allows you to run the search at any time using the same search criteria to get the most current results (matching jobs). You can also have new jobs that match your search criteria emailed to you daily or weekly.


  • Change the name of a saved job search, or how often you want to receive emails, or to stop receiving emails about your saved job search, click on the Edit link.
  • Delete a saved job search, click on the Delete link.
  • Run your saved job search to get the most current results (matching jobs), click on the Run Search button.

If you were receiving emails in the past and haven't received them for a few days or weeks, one of these explanations may be the reason:

  • Click on the Edit link and check to make sure your current email address is listed, and that it is formatted and spelled correctly. Correct the email address as needed, then click on the Save button.
  • Make sure either Daily or Weekly is selected.
  • Have you marked any emails from Job Center of Wisconsin as spam, or have you set up a filter to filter out Job Center of Wisconsin emails? If yes, you need to reverse that action in your email program.
  • Your email system may perceive emails about your Saved Searches as spam or junk. If your email program allows it, set it up to allow all emails from
  • There may not have been any new jobs in the last day or week matching your saved job search criteria. To check:
    • Click on the Run Search button.
    • On the Job Search Results page choose 2, 3 or 7 days in the Listed Within field.
    • If the message states 'No jobs match your criteria. Please try again.' you will know that the reason you didn't receive any emails recently is because no new jobs match your saved job search criteria.
  • Your email inbox may be full.

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My Favorite Job Search Information

Give your saved job search a name that will instantly identify the search for you. Avoid using vague terms, abbreviations, and acronyms.

There are three options for saving your job search:

  • Choose Daily if you want to receive an email daily with new jobs matching your job search criteria.
  • Choose Weekly if you want to receive an email once a week with new jobs matching your job search criteria.
  • Choose Never if you want to save your search but don't want to receive emails with new, matching jobs.

If you choose Daily or Weekly:

  • An email is sent only when there are new, matching jobs. You will not receive an email when there are no new jobs matching your search criteria.
  • Make sure the email address listed is your current email address, and it is formatted and spelled correctly.

Click on the Save button.

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Create a Resume

You may save up to three resumes in Job Center of Wisconsin. Employers search the information on your resume when looking for new employees. After completing a resume you will have the opportunity to upload your own resume and/or link to your resume stored on another website.


  • Copy and paste information from your resume in the corresponding resumes fields.

Resumes Tab

  • Reference Number – a unique identifier is assigned to each resume. No one else will have this Reference Number.
  • Professional Summary – to help you differentiate between multiple sets of data, the Professional Summary from each resume is displayed.
  • Status – status for this resume.
    • Active – status assigned when the resume is created, regardless of whether it is completed. To keep your resume active, login regularly (at least every 2 weeks), access your resume, review it, and click on the Save button, even if you didn't make any changes.
    • Pending Expired – if you have not logged in during the last 60 days to update and save your resume, the status will change to Pending Expired.
      • If you login within 30 days, access your resume, review/update it and save it, the resume will return to Active status.
      • If you do not take the above action within 30 days, your resume status will change to Expired.
    • Expired – you did not login, review/update and save your resume for 90 days. Your resume is not available to be matched to employers' job postings. You can reactivate your Expired resume by clicking 'View/Update' and then 'Save'.
  • Completed – displays your 'Yes' or 'No' response to the question, 'Are you done entering all of your information?' in Step 6 – Finish/Activate.
  • Updated - date you last updated or saved this resume. It is important to regularly and frequently review, update, and save your resume. When employers search for job seekers' resumes, they see the most recently updated resumes first.
  • Employers Can View? – displays your 'Yes' or 'No' response to the question, 'Do you want Employers to match you to their jobs?' in Step 6 – Finish/Activate.
  • Employer Views – the number of times employers have viewed the resume. If your resume is available for employers to view, and your resume has been on the system for a couple of weeks, yet no employers have viewed it, consider having Resource Room staff at a Wisconsin Job Center review it. Staff will make suggestions for adding keywords and other information to help draw attention to your resume.
  • Employer Emails Sent – the number of emails employers have sent you via Job Center of Wisconsin. The emails are sent to the email address you list in Step 1 of the resume. It is impossible for Job Center of Wisconsin to track emails sent to you outside the system.

    The 'From' line of the email will say ' on behalf of (employer's email address).

    The 'Subject' line of the email will say 'Job Center of Wisconsin Employer Contact'.

    If employers have emailed you, yet you have not received those emails, check to make sure your email address in Step 1 - Contact Information is current, spelled correctly, and formatted correctly.

    Other reasons you may not be receiving emails from employers:

    • Have you checked your email account recently? Remember to check for new email every day or two.
    • Have you ever marked an email from Job Center of Wisconsin ( as 'spam', or have you set up a filter to filter out emails from Job Center of Wisconsin? If yes, you need to reverse that action. Job Center of Wisconsin sends customers many types of emails.

      Do not mark emails from Job Center of Wisconsin as spam, and do not filter out the emails.

    • Your email system may perceive emails from employers via the Job Center of Wisconsin as spam or junk. If your email program allows it, set it up to allow all emails from the domain.
    • Your email inbox may be full.
    • Check your Junk or Spam email folder.
    • Your resume may have expired. Check the Status column on the Resume Posting Tool Summary.

References Tab

Create a list of up to five references that you can print or email to an employer.

Cover Letter Tab

Create a cover letter that you can print or email to an employer. A suggested format, with hints for developing a cover letter, is provided.

Function Buttons

  • Click on the Add button to add a new resume. You are able to have three separate resumes saved on Job Center of Wisconsin.

    To work with an existing resume, click on the checkbox to the left of the Reference Number. Next, click on a button to perform that function for the selected resume. If a button is inactive or 'grayed out' it means that function is unavailable for the resume you selected.

  • View/Update – view and update this resume.
  • Copy – save keying time by copying an existing resume and making changes.
  • Delete – permanently delete a resume.
  • Preview/Print – preview and print a resume, work application, list of references, or cover letter in your choice of three formats.
  • Email - email a resume, work application, list of references, or cover letter as an attachment in your choice of three formats. You can have a copy of the email sent to your email address, for your records.

    If you do not receive a copy for your records it is probably because both the 'From' email address and the 'cc' email address will be your email address. Some email providers perceive such emails to be spam, and will not deliver the copy to you.

How Candidates are Scored, Ranked and Displayed

When employers are looking for new employees, these are the fields that are searched for matching keywords:

  • Step 2 - Job Profile: Professional Summary, Job Category(ies), Skills, Certifications/Licenses/Awards, and Job Category(-ies).
  • Step 3 - Job History: Position Titles and Duties/Responsibilities for all jobs listed, unless you check the box, "Exclude this job from my Skills Match."
  • Step 4 - Education: Course(s) of study and Degrees/Awards.

Keyword searches are scored and displayed based on the best matches, as compared to the employer's search criteria. The results are ranked from highest score to lowest score.


  • Be sure to use lots of keywords and phrases that are specific to your education, skills and work experience.
  • When selecting pre-populated job duties in the Job History section, it is best not to edit these phrases as they will be an exact match to phrases selected by employers when creating job postings. This will give you the best opportunity to be a high-level match to the positions you are interested in.

Occupational Category searches are ranked by the date the resume was last updated by the candidate, with the most recently updated resumes listed first.


  • Be sure to login on Job Center of Wisconsin at least every 1-2 weeks. Access your resume(s), review and update them, and save them. This keeps your Job Match Profile 'fresh' and there is a better chance that employers will find you.

For either type of search, if two candidates have the exact same score, and one is a Veteran, the Veteran will be listed first.

Completing Your Resumes

You are in control of the information that appears to employers on your resume, cover letter, and references list. If you do not like the way your information appears when you use the What Employers Will See button in Step 6, edit your information in Steps 1 - 5 until you are comfortable with the results.

You are the only person who can share your resume, references and cover letter with an employer.

After you use the Save button the first time, a Delete button is located on the top of each screen. When you click on it, a screen will pop up asking if you really want to delete your current resume (not just the screen you are working on). Clicking on the OK button will delete your resume and you will have to create a new one. Clicking on the Cancel button will return you to your resume.

The Previous, Next, and Back buttons near the bottom of each page can be used to navigate to screens. You can also click on a Step link at the top of the screen to navigate.


  • Do not use the browser's Back button! Doing so may cause you to lose your work.

Free-form text fields have text counters listed beneath them, to alert you when you are reaching the limit for the field. If the text entered in the text field exceeds the characters allowed in the field, text will be truncated, meaning that all characters after the last allowed character have been removed.

Still need help?

Resume Feature

The information you provide in Steps 1 through 5 will help you create a resume which can be used to match you to employers' job openings.

It is important to accurately represent your work experience, education and training, skills, and availability. Be sure to use keywords and phrases that are specific to your education, skills and work experience. A computer search will check the following fields for matching keywords:

  • Job Profile: Professional Summary, Skills, Certifications/Licenses/Awards, and Job Category(-ies)
  • Job History: Position Titles and Duties/Responsibilities

    Tip:When selecting pre-populated job duties, do not edit the wording. These will be an exact match to job duties selected by employers when entering job postings and will give you the best opportunity to be a high-level match for the positions you are interested in.

  • Education: Course(s) of study and Degrees/Awards

The computer search screens and ranks resumes listed on Job Center of Wisconsin for employers who are looking for potential employees. When employers search for potential employees using a keyword, matching candidates will are listed based on "best" match. The highest ranked results are listed first. If the employer doesn't include a keyword when searching, matching candidates are ranked by the date the resume was last updated, with the most recently updated resumes listed first.

You are in control of the information that appears to employers on your resume, cover letter, and references list. If you do not like the way your information appears when you use the Preview/Print button, Preview Application link, or Preview Resume link, edit your information in Steps 1 through 5 until you are comfortable with the results.

The resume is what an employer will see when searching for prospective employees. You can select to display your resume with or without your personal contact information. If the employer decides to contact you, it will likely be by email, using the email address you include in Step 1 – Contact Information.

You are the only person who can share your resume, references and cover letter with an employer.

A Save button is located at the bottom of each screen. Save your information every few minutes. To prevent your information from being lost if you are interrupted, and for security and privacy reasons, your session will time-out after 30 minutes. Please enter your Username and Password in the orange Secure Log In box to continue creating or updating your resume.

After you use the Save button the first time, a Delete button is located on the top of each screen. When you click on it, a screen will pop up asking if you really want to delete your current resume (not just the screen you are working on). Clicking on the 'OK' button will delete your resume and you will have to create a new one. Clicking on the 'Cancel' button will return you to your resume.

The 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons in the lower right corner of each screen can be used to navigate to screens. You can also click on a Step link on the top of the screen to navigate.

Free-form text fields have text counters listed beneath them, to alert you when you are reaching the limit for the field. If the text entered in the text field exceeds the characters allowed in the field, text will be truncated, meaning that all characters after the last allowed character, have been removed.

Tool Tips are available throughout the resume creation tool. Hover your mouse over them at any time for helpful information and examples.

For more information about writing a resume, see "Resume Writing – a Basic Guide" and "The Right Words to Use in Your Job Search".

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Step 1 - Contact

This information will populate based on the information you entered when initially creating your account. You can make changes to this information as desired.

You may enter your middle initial or middle name in the Middle field.

A Confirm Email field will appear if you make changes to your email address.

You cannot 'copy and paste' from the Email field to the Confirm Email field, or vice versa.

Don't have an email?

An email address is required for you to use the Create a Resume Tool. You can set up a free E-Mail account by going to, or, or You can also search the Internet for "free email".

Key points to remember about your email account:

  • Check your email account every day. Employers are trying to reach you!
  • Make sure that the email address you list on your resume is current, and accurately spelled and formatted.
  • The email address you list on your resume is the one that employers will use to contact you.

Please do not mark emails from Job Center of Wisconsin (JCW) as spam or set up a filter to filter-out JCW emails. If you do, you won't receive any emails from Job Center of Wisconsin, including the ones you want to receive!

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Step 2 - Job Profile

Remember to click on the Save button every few minutes so your work is not lost.

Professional Summary

  • When employers are looking for new employees, this field is searched for matching keywords.

The purpose of the Professional Summary is to summarize your experience and highlight elements of your background that the employer may otherwise miss.

  • The Professional Summary should:
    • Describe your professional background only.
    • Highlight your strengths, skills and core competencies.
    • Describe your professional qualities with power words.
  • The Professional Summary should not:
    • Include any personal information, such as ethnicity, marital status, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and affiliations, etc.
    • Discuss outstanding circumstances, such as employment gaps, changes in career, or personal experiences.
    • Include generic statements, such as 'detail-oriented' or 'team player'.


  • When employers are looking for new employees, this field is searched for matching keywords.

Be specific when describing your skills. Use keywords and phrases to describe your skills so employers can find you.


  • Fluent in French and German.
  • Experienced meeting facilitator.
  • CNC machine operator with 12 years of experience.
  • Emergency Medical Technician training coordinator.
  • Skilled in the use of the Internet, and Microsoft 2010 products (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel).

Certifications, Licenses, Awards

  • When employers are looking for new employees, this field is searched for matching keywords.

Include licenses or certifications you possess, or employment-related awards you have received.

  • CDL Driver's License
  • Certified Public Accountant State of Alabama, Certificate #10310
  • Registered Nurse License #47930-D (State of Wisconsin)
  • Excellence in Leadership Award

What type of job(s) are you looking for?

  • When employers are looking for new employees, this field is searched for matching keywords.

Do not include past jobs unless you are looking for that type of work now. This question is only asking about jobs you are looking for now. You can enter up to three Job Categories.

  • Enter a job title or keyword in the Job Title field. Click on the Search button.
  • In the Category field, click on the upside down triangle next to the words 'Please select a category' to display a list of possible matching job titles.
    • If none of the items listed are a good match, try changing the Job Title and clicking on the Search button again.
  • Choose the closest match from the Category drop-down menu.
  • In the Years of Experience field, click on the upside down triangle to choose your level of experience for this job.
    • If you don't have any experience performing this job, choose 'Less than one year'.
  • Click on the Add button. Click on the Save button.
    • If you change your mind and don't want to add this Job Category, click on the Cancel button.
    • Do not use the browser's Back button! This often causes a System Error, booting you out of the Job Center of Wisconsin website. Any unsaved work will be lost.

To change the information for an existing Job Category, click on the Edit button. Review and change the information, then click on the Update button. Click on the Save button.

To delete an existing Job Category, click on the Remove button. The item will be deleted. Click on the Save button.

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Step 3 - Job History

Most prospective employers are interested in your work experience for the last 10 years.

You can enter information for up to 10 employers. If you have had more than 10 employers in the last 10 years, list the employers with the most relevance to the type of job you are looking for now.

Information about your work experience will be listed on your (JCW resume in chronological order, with your current or most recent employer listed first.

Add Job History

Click on the Add Job History button to add information about the position you held with an employer.

  • Enter the employer's name/company name
  • Enter the city and state where the employer is located
  • Enter the job title or position you held and click Search
  • Select a Category from the dropdown menu. This will open a number of pre-populated job duties that you can select to add to your resume.
    • TIP: Do not edit the wording of these statements. These will exactly match the wording of job duties that employers list on their job postings, making it much more likely for you to match job openings in the search function.
  • When employers are looking for new employees, the Duties and Responsibilities area is searched for matching keywords. At a minimum, you must enter the year you began working for this employer.
  • Click on the Add button. Click on the Save button.
    • If you change your mind and don't want to add this part of your job history, click on the Cancel button.

To change the information for an existing Job History entry, click on the Edit button. Review and change the information, then click on the Update button. Click on the Save button.

To delete an existing Job History entry, click on the Remove button. The item will be deleted. Click on the Save button.

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Step 4 - Education

You may record up to five (5) schools.

Schools will be listed on your JCW resume in chronological order, with the current or most recent school listed first, based on the Dates Attended. If the Dates Attended fields are blank, schools will be listed in random order. You are not required to enter any Education History, but if you decide to add one, you must then complete the required fields.

Highest Grade Completed

If you are currently attending high school, or didn't finish high school, choose 'Other' in the Highest Grade Completed drop-down list. To view the list, click on the upside down triangle.

Add Education History

Click on the Add Education History button to add information about the school you attended.

  • Enter the name of the school you attended.
  • You are not required to enter any dates.
  • Enter the Course(s) of Study information.
    • When employers are looking for new employees, Course(s) of Study is searched for matching keywords.
  • Enter the Degrees/Awards information.
    • When employers are looking for new employees, Degrees/Awards is searched for matching keywords.
  • Click on the Add button. Click on the Save button.
    • If you change your mind and don't want to add this Education History, click on the Cancel button.

To change the information for an existing Education History, click on the Edit button. Review and change the information, then click on the Update button. Click on the Save button.

To delete an existing Education History, click on the Remove button. The item will be deleted. Click on the Save button.

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Step 5 - Availability

Selected Counties allows you to choose the county or counties where you are willing to accept a job.

  • Select the county or counties where you are willing to accept a job from the Counties Available list. This information will be used to help match you to employers who have job openings in the county(ies) you selected.

    All Wisconsin counties are available, as well as all counties that border Wisconsin in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota. The border counties are at the end of the list.

    Adding Counties

    • To add counties to the Counties Selected list, use the scroll bar on the right side of the Counties Available list. Click on the county you want to add to the Counties Selected list, and then click on the Select button.
    • To add multiple counties at the same time that are not listed one right after the other, click on the first county you want to add to highlight it. Press and hold down the Ctrl key and click on the other counties you want to add to the list. When you have finished selecting counties, click on the Select button.
      • Example: Adding Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas and Iron counties.
    • To add multiple counties at the same time that are listed one right after the other, click on the first county you want to add to highlight it. Press and hold down the Shift key and click on the last county you want to add to the list. Click on the Select button.
      • Example: Adding Ashland, Barron, Bayfield and Brown counties.

    Removing Counties

    • To remove counties from the Counties Selected list, click on the County you want to remove, then click on the De-Select button.
    • To remove multiple counties at the same time that are not listed one right after the other, click on the first county you want to remove to highlight it. Press and hold down the Ctrl key and click on the other counties you want to remove from the list. When you have finished selecting counties, click on the De-Select button.
    • To remove multiple counties at the same time that are listed one right after the other, click on the first county you want to remove to highlight it. Press and hold down the Shift key and click on the last county you want to remove from the list. When you have finished selecting counties, click on the De-Select button.

Are you willing to relocate?

Are you willing to move somewhere to accept a job?

Type(s) of Employment

Check the Type(s) of Employment you are willing to accept.

Work Days

Check the Work Day(s) you are available and willing to work. Check the Non-Standard checkbox and complete the 'Explain' field to explain your non-standard Work Days choice. Do not disclose personal information, such as not being able to work due to child care issues or working another job.


Check the Shift(s) you are available and willing to work. Check the Non-Standard checkbox and complete the 'Explain' field to explain your non-standard Shift choice. Do not disclose personal information, such as not being able to work due to child care issues or working another job.

Do you have transportation available?

This does not just refer to having a vehicle. It can also mean bus service, a car pool, or a dependable ride.

Do you have a valid driver's license?

This does not just refer to a Wisconsin driver's license.

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Step 6 - Finish/Activate

Are you done entering all of your information?

If you have finished entering all information for your resume, choose 'Yes'. Other questions will appear.

If you have not finished entering all information, choose 'No'. Click on the Save button. Later you will be able to return to your resume to complete it.

Do you want Employers to match you to their jobs?

If you answer 'No' to the above question, employers will not be able to match you to their open jobs. Unemployment Insurance claimants who have been mandated to register with Job Center of Wisconsin as part of their UI application, must answer Yes to this question in order to be in compliance with the UI regulation.

Upload your resume (Optional)

You may upload your own resume.

  • It must be a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. Resumes in other file formats will be not accepted.
  • Files larger than 1 Megabyte (1 MB) will not be accepted.
  • Virus scanning:
    • The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) will scan your resume to detect viruses. If a virus is found, your resume will not be accepted.
    • In addition, DWD will scan your resume to detect viruses whenever it is accessed, either by you or by an employer.
    • It may take several seconds or longer for your resume to be uploaded, due to virus scanning. A moving icon will appear next to the field, indicating that virus scanning is in process.
  • After your resume has successfully uploaded, choose an item in the 'What do you want employers to see?' drop-down menu. Click on the Save button.

To delete your resume, click on the Delete Uploaded resume button.

What do you want employers to see?

Click on the upside-down triangle to display the options for what you will show employers who match your to their jobs. Choose an option.

Click on the What Employers Will See button to view your choice as an employer will see it.

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Preview / Print

Select an item to print by clicking on the radio button in front of the JCW resume, JCW Work Application, References or Cover Letter. You can only print one item at a time.

Select the print format for the document by clicking on the radio button in front of HTML, Word, or PDF. PDF is recommended.

HTML is for users who don't have Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Reader on their computer. The resume is displayed using a browser. Your resume is saved as a web page, which you can save to your desktop and view any time as an HTML file.

To print your document in HTML format:

  1. Click the radio button in front of HTML, and then on the Preview/Print button. The document will open in a new window.
  2. Click on the File menu, and then click on Page Setup.
  3. In Page Setup, find the Header and Footer and delete the information in those fields. If the header and footer are not deleted, the printed document will include the header and footer text. Click on the OK button.
  4. Click on the Print icon/button on the browser bar, or go to the File menu and choose Print.
  5. You can save the document to your computer by going to the File menu and choosing Save As.

Microsoft Word allows users to save and edit their resume, work application, references list or cover letter as a Word document. Sending a resume, work application, references list or cover letter as a Word document to an employer is not recommended because it could be altered without your knowledge or consent. Also, if an employer uses a version of Microsoft Word that is earlier than Microsoft Word 2003, or if you save the document to your computer and later open it and edit it in Office 2007, save it and send it, the employer will not be able to view your document without special software that will convert the document to the earlier version of Microsoft Word.

If the employer contacts you because he cannot open your document, resend it in HTML or PDF

To print your document in Word format:

  1. Click on the radio button in front of Word, and then on the Preview/Print button. The document will open in a new window.
  2. A pop-up message will appear asking if you want to Open or Save the document.
  3. Choose Save if you want to save a copy of the document on your computer. After saving, you will be able to view the document on your computer screen.
  4. Choose the Print icon/button of the browser bar, or go to the File menu and choose Print to print the document.
  5. The lightly shaded lines around the text at the top of the document will not print.

A resume, work application, references list or cover letter saved as a PDF document can't be changed without special software. This is the best option for sending a resume, work application, references list or cover letter to an employer electronically because the document is difficult to alter and can be printed by the employer on any printer.

To print your document in PDF format:

  1. Click on the radio button in front of PDF, and then click on the Preview/Print button. The document will open in a new window.
  2. A pop-up message will appear asking if you wan to Open or Save the document.
  3. Choose Save if you want to save a copy of the document on your computer. After saving, you will be able to view the document on your computer screen.
  4. Choose the Print icon/button on the browser bar, or go to the File menu and choose Print to print the document.

Proofread your resume, work application, references list and cover letter for:

  • Grammar, spelling errors and consistency.
  • Inclusion of relevant information only.
  • Accurate representation of your accomplishments, skills, education, and work experience.
  • Accuracy of your phone number(s) and email address.

How to Turn Pop-up Blockers On or Off

You need to change your computer settings to allow pop-ups, or allow pop-ups from Job Center of Wisconsin.

  • To turn off pop-ups in the Internet Explorer browser, click on the Tools menu, then on Pop-up Blocker, then on Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.
  • To allow pop-ups from all websites in the Internet Explorer browser, click on the Tools menu, then on Pop-up Blocker, then on Pop-up Blocker Settings.
  • To allow pop-ups from Job Center of Wisconsin in the Internet Explorer browser, click on the Tools menu, then on Pop-up Blocker, then on Pop-up Blocker Settings.

The website address to allow is Click on the Add button.

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Email Employer

By sending an email to an employer, you lose your anonymity as a job seeker. Your email address will appear to the employer, along with any other information you share in the Message text.

Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *.

Enter the employer's Email Address (you can only send to one email address at a time), and the Subject of your email.

Use the Refer To field to reference a job posting number, position number or other information the employer mentioned when contacting you. If you are applying for a job via email or responding to a newspaper ad, list some sort of identifying information so the employer knows why you are contacting him. For example, if you are applying for a job you saw on Job Center of Wisconsin, list the job posting number in the Refer To: field. If you are applying for a job you saw advertised in the newspaper, refer to the job title or position number listed in the ad, or the name of the newspaper and the date of the edition.

Enter your message to the employer in the Message field.

Select the item you want to attach to the email by clicking on the radio button in front of the resume or Work Application. You may also attach your References and/or a Cover Letter.

Select the format for the document(s) by clicking on the radio button in front of HTML, Word, or PDF. PDF is recommended.

If you want a copy emailed to you for your records, click on the 'yes' radio button.

Why You May Not Receive a Copy

The Email Resume feature in Job Center of Wisconsin is not an email function. When you use the Email Resume feature, Job Center of Wisconsin sends an email to the employer's email address and your email address, if you selected 'Yes' to receive a copy.

There are several reasons why you may not receive a copy, including:

  • Check to make sure your email address in Step 1 of the Create a Resume Tool is current, and correctly spelled and formatted.
  • Your email inbox may be full and not accepting new emails.
  • Check your Junk or Spam email folder.
  • Your email program may perceive emails from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development as spam or junk. If your email program allows it, set it up to allow all emails from the Department's domain, which is "".

Some internet service providers block emails from certain domains. If none of the above suggestions are the source of your problem, you may wish to contact your internet service provider and request that they always allow emails from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development domain, which is "".

After clicking on the Send button, Email sent will appear next to the inactivated Send button.

The following message will automatically be displayed on the bottom of every email sent, so employers will know you are a candidate contacting them via the Job Center of Wisconsin:

You are receiving this email from a prospective job candidate via the Job Center of Wisconsin website:

The New Email button appears. You can send another email using the same Subject, Refer To and Message.

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Resume Expired

To reactivate your resume/work application, you must answer 'Yes' to the "Your resume/work application has expired. Do you want to reactivate your resume/work application?" question. If you answer 'No', your resume/work application will remain expired.

If your answer to the above question is 'Yes', another question will appear – "Do you want Employers to match you to their jobs?" You must answer this question 'yes' if you want employers to be able to match you to their job openings. Employers will be able to view your resume and contact you by email. Be sure to keep your email address in Step 1 – Contact Information up-to-date.

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You can enter up to 5 references.

Click on the 'Add Reference' button and enter the name of your reference, the person's title, the person's employer, and the person's telephone number and/or email address (a telephone number or email address is required).

Click on the Update button to add the information. All information you enter will be displayed when you preview or print your reference list. If you don't like the way it is displayed, click on the Edit button and change the information. When you are through, click on the Update button to save your changes.

To remove a reference from the list, click on the Remove button.

To remove all references from the list, click on the Delete all References button on the top of the screen.


  • References should not be included with your resume or work application unless requested by the employer. Instead, print your references on a separate sheet and take them with you to the interview.
  • Choose only those references for which you have current contact information.
  • It is always best to notify your references in advance when applying for jobs. Send each of your references a copy of your resume to remind them of your skills and your objective.

Remember to send a 'Thank you' note to all of your references, and it is a nice touch to let them know when you have secured a position!

Use the Print/Preview links to print your list of references in HTML, Word, or PDF. PDF is recommended.

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Cover Letter

A cover letter template is displayed, with suggestions for the types of information you should include. You can:

  • Copy and paste text from an existing cover letter,
  • Type over the template text by pressing the 'Insert' key (remember to press the 'Insert' key again when you no longer want to type over text), or
  • Delete the template text and enter your own text.

Be sure to remove all template text before printing your cover letter or emailing it to an employer.

Use the Print/Preview links to print your cover letter in HTML, Word, or PDF. PDF is recommended.

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My JCW tells you at a glance what your status is on Job Center of Wisconsin (JCW). You must have an account (username and password) to access My JCW.

The Dashboard shows your current status on JCW for account creation, registration, resume completion, and re-employment services program requirements. Check your status anytime by choosing My JCW from the Job Seeker Tools menu.

Links to useful, free career services are listed below the Dashboard.

Send us an email and let us know what additional items you would like to have available on My JCW.

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